Last Opportunity to Apply for STAP Budget on Wednesday, 15 November 2023!


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On Wednesday, 15 November at 10:00 AM, the final application period for the STAP budget will begin. The government has decided that from September onwards, only OCW-recognised courses will be eligible for the STAP budget, aiming to make the STAP budget more job market-oriented. As a result, the number of courses eligible for subsidy has significantly decreased. Therefore, first check the UWV website to see if you qualify for the subsidy.

You will need a STAP registration certificate and student number for your application. If you still need to arrange anything, do so as soon as possible.

Tip: Submit your application before 10:00 AM to increase your chances of getting through the queue. For more information, visit the UWV website: and follow the step-by-step guide.

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