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Symposium Pensioen & Arbeidsrecht


Welkom Dennis en Peter 1536x945

Symposium on Pensions & Employment Law

On Thursday, 16 November, our firm, in collaboration with Van Steensel Assurantiën BV, organised a symposium on Pensions and Employment Law!

Around 70 entrepreneurs and HR staff gathered at the welcoming Knowledge and Meeting Centre VNAB on the Boompjes in Rotterdam for an informative afternoon full of new developments in employment law and the Future of Pensions Act.

Representing our firm, Dennis Oud and Tessa Sipkema briefed our clients and the clients of Van Steensel on current topics in employment law, including important new legislative developments for employers and the latest case law on cross-border behaviour and freelancers.

Flip Ackema (Pension Advice Group Legal Services) updated the entrepreneurs on the Future of Pensions Act and its implications.

Several cases were discussed, and numerous questions were exchanged. After the presentations, attendees continued the discussions over delicious snacks and drinks.

In short, it was a highly successful interactive symposium, worth repeating!

We would like to thank all attendees, especially Peter Schoneveld from Van Steensel Assurantiën for the pleasant collaboration and VNAB for the warm welcome and well-organised afternoon.

Logo Haij Wende

De Haij & van der Wende

Dennis rond 200x200

Dennis Oud

Erwin rond 200x200

Erwin den Hartog

Advocaat Ondernemingsrecht en Vastgoedrecht
Fleur 1

Fleur Huisman

Advocaat Omgevingsrecht
Petra lindhout pf

Petra Lindthout

Advocaat Omgevingsrecht
Tessa rond 200x200

Tessa Sipkema

Advocaat Arbeidsrecht en Ondernemingsrecht
Gerard rond 200x200

Gerard van der Wende

Advocaat Bestuursrecht en Personen- en Familierecht
Elke 1

Elke Hofman-Bijvank

Advocaat Arbeidsrecht
Tim portret

Tim van Riel

Jurist Arbeidsrecht
Iris portret

Iris Keemink


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